Hello šŸ˜„ šŸ‘‹

Quick ways to connect with me would be an email or telegram.

If you, for some reason, want to grant me access to your server:

$ curl https://github.com/histrio.keys >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you want to send me some encrypted stuff, use my public key:

$ curl -sSL https://github.com/histrio.gpg | gpg --import -

Or use more convinent rage:

$ echo "hi" | rage -r "$(curl https://github.com/histrio.keys)" -a > secret.age

or use age1fht3gvntpeffl65jjhdlremkl8nqe2p0ml3e2zwf0n6jd7g7lsese4hscr recipient.

Add my Crev ID as a trusty reviewer:

$ cargo crev id trust IQf_sAJ3ZBNx7Hv-WofiV9TGr61osiyUHsi36sVGyOE

Also I have some education in reserve-officer training department as a signaller and have a radio amateur license (CEPT NOVICE). So you could try to contact me with a morse code by calling UB4RCF šŸ˜†

Here are the unholy bunch of badges for places where you can find me also:

Email Telegram Mastodon Discord Buymeacoffee RSS Github Goodreads Keybase PyPi Twitter Keyoxide

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